I got new pants! / Seinfeld Wallet / Morning Babble wear? / Jon Acuff quote

morning babble / Wednesday 10-20-21

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes it gets tidied up, but sometimes . . . not so much. When all else fails – go watch the video!

I got new pants! Actually wore them yesterday / washed them in the overnight / toasty warm in the morning. I need more. Didn’t want to jinx it yesterday by mentioning that I finally found my new cargo pants, but I did! 2 more pairs are shipping to me right now! All customers of mine can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I’ll now be showing up in pants again (before it was shorts).

Morning Babble wear? Hmmmmmm.

What’s in your wallet? EDC (Everyday Carry)? I’ll transition my wallet on Saturday.

Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the Babble wherever you can – Thank you!

“Never give the problem a year and the solution a week.” – by Jon Acuff – he’s got a new book out called Soundtracks

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