morning babble / Monday 08-08-22
This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!
Back at it on a Monday and after two weeks off the road for vacation and COVID – I did a weigh-in – puffy again / Not like Meatless March but still puffy. / 5 to 6 lbs off the target Brent weight
Just have to get it back into gear.
146 days until EXIT PLAN
Week ago, I talked about Benjamin Hardy and his “Peak State Checklist”
My wake-up time is currently set at 4:15am. I used to have it at 4:10am. I also have set the goal for 7 hours bed time – that’s not sleep but at the very least 7 hours in bed. I know – do the math and that means I’m in bed by 9:15pm. BUT – I enjoy reading in bed or on ice cream date nights – watching some Netflix.
Also, I added back into the mix some cold water in the shower. Nothing like last year in July with (list rules). Nope – I’m just doing a colder water during the last 2 minutes of the shower. I also floss my teeth again during this time.
Week ahead –
I’m going back to the goal of writing on Monday and Wednesday nights / Another Ice Cream Date for Thursday nights.
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“The greatest productivity hack is the willingness to turn people down” – by Mark Manson
Say “No” people. It’s okay to say “No.”