morning babble / Monday 09-09-24
This is the scribble that leads to the babble.
Sometimes, it gets tidied up; other times, not so much.
When all else fails: there’s video!
(“I didn’t even ask for this” cut)
Yes – the band is called Valley and they dropped a whole new album on August 30th
(Missed Music Monday opener)
Water the Flowers, Pray for a Garden is the name of the album from Valley. I realized I missed something when I heard a song of theirs played on AltNation’s Advanced Placement show.
(“Bop Ba”)
The show’s host Regan compared the song to something from Death Cab for Cutie
(“Sound of Settling”)
I can hear it, but the Valley still has their own sound. My favorite is track #2 ” A Little More”
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Tune in tomorrow for: Quote of the Day!