The run tally is now at 74. Yesterday, I did get to go outside on the trails. This morning though – back on the treadmill. It works. 74 vlogs as well. Spread the word please. Also, subscribe on YouTube if you could. I just want to make sure that I don’t lose anyone again after the recent Facebook exile. Into day number 7 of that “fun.” Quick summary – my emails are now being kicked back. So, I’m blocked. All phone numbers lead to an end message of: “We are not taking phone calls right now but what you are looking for can be answered online. Thank you.” Click. They just hang up. Zuckerberg . . . come on, man.
Grammys were last night – Quick recap:
* Record of the Year – Everything I Wanted, Billie Eilish
* Album of the Year – Folklore, Taylor Swift – This was the 3rd time she won “Album of the Year” – the only other people to do that were Frank Sinatra, Paul Simon, and Stevie Wonder.
* Best Rock Album – The New Abnormal, The Strokes
* Best Alternative Album – Fetch the Bolt Cutters, Fiona Apple
* Beyonce won a record setting 28th Grammy. Grammys are going to be called the “Beyonces” pretty soon.
Last night, dinner was a little later, so my daughter suggested a charcuterie board. My son and her then put together a plate of fruits, cheeses, meats, and crackers to enjoy. I was impressed. Speaking of impressive . . . here’s a picture of the one my wife did last weekend:

Website has been updated slightly! Click here for my new short – under Droplet of Life. Let me know what you think . . . or maybe not. Whatever. Just read it! Please?
“Tell your friends & family you’re happy. Choose this and then work at it!” – by someone