morning babble / Sunday 08-08-21
So, it’s raining here at the shore house. Like hard. With a whole lotta wind. So, I haven’t ran yet. #220 of the 5K runs will occur soon, but I’ve got time before it all settles down out there. I’ll get it in. It is #220 of the babbles.
Typically, on a Sunday, I talk about books. I anticipated discussing a bookstore that we would be visiting today on the island here at LBI. Not sure if that’s going to happen at this point. But – I always enjoy the small little bookstores. I love to see what books are put out and displayed. Yes, I realize that there are some behind- the-scenes marketing deals for a good many of the books, but each little store still has there on “favorites.” Recently, during the pandemic, Ryan Holiday opened his own book store – The Painted Porch Bookshop. Immediately, that was added to my list of what to visit if I ever hit the Austin area of Texas.
I didn’t write. The countdown to 15,000 is off to a slow start, but I do have some upcoming times and windows to write. I’m trying to enjoy the “now” with my family but I’ll get to work!
Yes . . . I was having “breakfast” cookies aka biscotti along with my cup of java.
Books mentioned:
- The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
- Eat A Peach – A Memoir by David Chang
- The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday
- The Daily Stoic Journal by Ryan Holiday
- Goldfish by Brian Michael Bendis
“Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading.” – by Lena Dunham