Missed Music Monday – 05-13-24

morning babble / Monday 05-13-24


This is the scribble that leads to the babble.

Sometimes, it gets tidied up; other times, not so much.

When all else fails: there’s video!

(Myles Smith “Solo” clip)

That song “Solo” has gotten a lot of play for Mr. Myles Smith

(Missed Music Monday opener)

Back in March, Myles Smith had a 6-pack EP – You Promised A Lifetime – come out that included that song “Solo”. However, this past Friday, a brand spanking new song was released by him – called “Stargazing”

This guy’s sound just makes smile. Very enjoyable music. Also, I don’t know if you can say that I “missed” this one. I was ready for it on Friday, but with Myles being from the UK, there was a slight delay on the US receiving this one. On Friday morning, I could see it there, but I just wasn’t allowed to hear it yet.

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Tune in tomorrow for: Quote of the Day!

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