“Quote of the Day” – Wednesday 06-05-24

morning babble / Wednesday 06-05-24

Borrowing words from someone else in an attempt to spread happiness everywhere or at the very least – a reasonable range. Hey – go click that video!

(“Show Me How to Live” cut)

25 years ago, Rick Rubin introduced Tom Morello to Chris Cornell.

If that interaction never occurred, we never would have experienced – Audioslave.

(“Show Me How to Live” cut)

Today’s quote of the day is from Rick Rubin who does have a book out called:

The Creative Act: A Way of Being – that would be a wonderful Father’s Day gift.

Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the Babble wherever you can – Thank you!

“Never say you can’t do it. Say I haven’t done it yet.” – Rick Rubin via Jim Rohn

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