5k Run #200 of the year! Don’t send in the clowns or balloons though / Cold showers continue

morning babble / Monday 07-19-21

#200 day of the year means I’ve done an awful lot of 5k runs. 200 to be exact. Without the balloons and clowns, I thought I would simply update on everything. The goal remains – 366 days of 5K runs and needs to be completed through January 1st.

After watching the first morning babble this morning (which I haven’t done), I enjoyed the first quote of the day ” Win the morning, Win the Day” – Tim Ferriss. I also was asking to be helped, but was hoping to inspire too. I realize that there isn’t too much suspense or tension here, but I’m hoping that every time some one clicks it . . . a little inspiration is sent their way.

Day #2 video was watched as well – this is the day that I talked about how Jerry Seinfeld pushes himself with daily writing. Every day you need to mark the calendar with an “X” and this builds a chain which you don’t want to break. On January 2nd, I only had 2 links to the chain. Fast forward to today and I’m still not breaking it!

Last night, I cold-showered. Not fun still. 18 down.

I’m still writing . . . couple shorts are being worked on now. I still need bigger gaps of time to dig into the book that I’m working on. I’m trying!

“No Plan B, No Plan A – just The Plan.” – by someone

“Third” Kid / Fired Captain did a Cafe Cubano via the Moka Pot / Seth Godin book reviewed

morning babble / Sunday 07-18-21

We got third kid at the house today, so timing is a little off with everything.

#199 run will take place on the trails shortly which I’m excited about – it’s nice out!

Cold-showered last night – 17 down, 14 to go!

Moka Pot story with the fired captain. My friend (and business partner) bought a boat in Florida and wanted to ride it up the East Coast to get it home. The captain that he hired flattened the propeller by hitting a sand bed? Immediately, I went from enjoying beverage and writing my book to being Gilligan – not good for my friend. Prior to his dismissal, this fired captain made an incredible espresso drink which I just found a recipe for!

Cuban Coffee (aka Cafe Cubano) is a super-sweet coffee made with whipped sugar and strong coffee or espresso. The whipped sugar rises to the top to form a thick, foamy layer that resembles crema. This layer, called “espuma”, is made of whipped sugar. Super easy, super delicious. Moka pots are frequently used to brew the coffee needed for this recipe.

Watch that video for more explanations and story tellings.


I finally finished Seth Godin’s This Is Marketing. Here are 3 quick hits of the book that I liked. FYI – there’s a whole lot more, but I just wanted to pull out some highlights.

1) What you say isn’t nearly as important as what others say about you

2) Great marketing is the generous and audacious work of saying, “I see a better alternative; come with me.”

3) Pick a logo, don’t spend a ton of money or have a lot of meetings about it, and keep it for as long as you keep your first name.

“You’re doing it wrong, but at least you’re doing it. Once you’re doing it, you have a chance to do it better. Waiting for perfect means not starting.” – by Seth Godin – get his newsletter by signing up here.

Put a shirt on! / I do like to cook still! / Robert Greene quote

morning babble / Saturday 07-17-21

Welcome to Saturday. Sad news last night though in the musical world. We lost Biz Markie. They called him the Clown Prince of Hip-Hop. He was only 57. We’re all just friends.

Let’s hit the numbers. I ran. #198 of 5k runs. And yes, it’s day 198 of 2021. Monday #200!

I cold-showered last night. Over the hump for the month. 16 down. #17 later tonight.

Sorry in a rush here. Last swim meet of the summer for my son. Aww. 🙂 Every one rushing around here. During my getting dressed routine in the dark, the dogs were more than ready to get outside before I was done the act. So, I grabbed my shirt and took them down to the basement and out the back door. Neighbor was up and waved to me awkwardly . . . I’m guessing because I didn’t have a shirt on. I had pants. But you know, if I was at the shore or beach – all good. Not at my house though. Unless I’m doing yard work. Actually, I’m not one of those type of guys. Need me to pick up sticks from last night’s storm. I’ll get ’em. Need me to water the plants. On it. I wear a shirt on the trails too. Would have had a nip rip if I one on last weekend. Hoping to get outside tomorrow for a run.

Wow – babble is happening. I’ll answer one question.

AMA Saturday:

  • Question #1 – Are you still cooking? Yes, but no. Go watch the video for now – update later.

“Remember: You choose to let things bother you. You can just as easily choose not to notice the irritating offender, to consider the matter trivial and unworthy of your interest. That is the powerful move.” – by Robert Greene

Equilibrium broke my fast/ New Music Friday: Pop Smoke, Sia, Anderson East/ Phil via Long Play Cafe

morning babble / Friday 07-16-21

Well, a beer by Equilibrium broke my fast. The wings and pizza helped too. But the beverage – so good – dHop 32, Double IPA out of Middletown, NY – wonderful beer from Equilibrium. Also, we watched Loki last night . . . all I’m saying . . . thumbs up!

Broke my personal 5k run streak record! #197 run was completed today on the mill

I cold-showered too – so the “31 Days of July Cold Showers” continues

Reminder – Record Store Day is Tomorrow! Recently visited Long Play Cafe for some vinyl. Got me Phil Collins and his first solo album – Face Value.

New Music Friday:

  • Pop Smoke’s second posthumous album Faith dropped today. Bunch of artists appear too – Kanye West, Rick Ross, The Neptunes, Bizzy Banks, Chris Brown. This album already been deemed the #1 Hip-Hop album of the year.
  • Normani coming back with “Wild Side” released today. Video too. It’s got Cardi B in it as well. One scene . . . they’re just wearing hair. I’ll provide the link – go here. One lyrical line that jumped out to me from Cardi B – I could probably suck a watermelon through a straw.
  • And from watermelon through a straw, we go to taking you on the hood of my car. A very rambunctious morning, huh. Mr. Anderson East released “Hood of my Car” and yes – that’s what he’s singing about. His whole album Maybe We Never Die is released August 20th. Oh – and he has a video – click here for that.
  • John Mayer’s full album came out today – 8th one. Called Sob Rock – inspired by 80’s music. It’s John Mayer. Can’t poke fun at that guy – way too many lady friends.
  • Sia has a remix of song “1+1” out today. I just love the sound of her voice. You know how radio stations get artists to say “Hey this is Sia and you’re listening to Morning Babble with Brent Evans” Whew – that should be a goal. Her and Phil Collins . . . maybe Beck, too.
  • Personal favorite of mine – Old Sea Brigade released an acoustic song of “Day by Day” (Video too). Really enjoy that guy’s chill sound – Old Sea Brigade aka Ben Cramer.

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” – by Phil Collins

Tied a personal run record! / Jon Acuff on Chase Jarvis podcast / 3 day fast ends 2nite!

morning babble / Thursday 07-15-21

This is the scribble that helps with the babble

Day 3 of the 3 Day Fast – I’m feeling it and will definitely need to pace myself today. I did not do my 50 / 50 /50 today.

Jon Acuff was on the Chase Jarvis podcast. Thoroughly enjoying that. Already subscribed to Acuff’s podcast . . . just this morning. He has like 7 books. I know I’ve had him on wish lists before but I’ve allowed them to drop off. I must go back.

Anyway, I ran and it was rough. Number 196 of 5k runs for the year. AND, I actually tied a personal record. Tomorrow on the 16th, my big sister’s birthday, I will break it. Let me explain. I tried this very same thing 2 years ago – 5k every day. Today – two years ago – I hurt my knee afterwards. I was taking Jiu-jitsu at the time.

No Loki last night, but maybe tonight / I did buy some fancy beer last night for the fasting breakage (is that a word?). 6:35pm tonight – popping one open!


“Too much planning is a trap. Don’t fall into it. Instead of trying to plot out the perfect novel before you start writing, accept that it’ll take a few shitty drafts to get things sorted out and just start writing. Play. Enjoy the process.” – by Chase Jarvis – Creative Calling (page 169)

Feeling it on Day 2 of the Fast / New Doc Needed / Marcus Aurelius quote

morning babble / Wednesday 07-14-21

This is the scribble that helps with the babble

Road day in Jersey. Got my java / got my water with cucumber.

Day 2 of the Fast and I felt it on the mill. Remember – I’m not a doctor. I’m just a boy with a treadmill in his basement. Always check with your doctor. Which reminds me of the time that I brought it up to my doctor. He wasn’t really up-to-date with what I was saying. So – I explained to him about what I had learned.

I am looking for a new doctor – younger one, too. In an office where you can’t hear through the walls.

Anyway, I ran #195. Tomorrow – I should tie a personal record with running.

When I went on the boat trip – the captain that made the most perfect espresso with the Italian Stovetop Espresso Pot or Moka Pot. Café Cubano – I have since learned.

“The cucumber is bitter? Then throw it out. There are brambles in the path? Then go around. That’s all you need to know.” – by Marcus Aurelius via Ryan Holiday

3 Day Fast Has Begun! / Cold Shower Fact / Karl Popper “quote”

morning babble / Tuesday 07-13-21

This is the scribble that helps with the babble

Let’s hit some of the numbers. I ran. #194 of the 5k runs.

I cold-showered last night – number 12 of the month. Still cold though.

Cold-Shower Fact – According to a 2009 study, researchers found that cold water can promote healthy brown fat, which is the good fat our bodies generate to keep us warm and is activated when exposed to extreme fat, and help eliminate white fat, which is the body fat that piles up around our waistlines and thighs when we consume too many calories.

1st day of the 3 day fast – it’s the easiest. 6:35pm on Thursday. Water, tea, coffee. No sugar. I do have a slice of cucumber floating in each of my water bottles.

“True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it.” – by Karl Popper – an Austrian-British philosopher, academic and social commentator.

Scaring people on the trails, end up like Family Guy character/ 3 Day fast – 2nite/ Seth Godin quote

morning babble / Monday 07-12-21

Back at it on a Monday. I ran – #193 of 5k runs this year. The goal is through January 1st. Big date this week that I’ll hopefully surpass on Thursday. More on that . . . on Thursday. Yesterday, I did hit the trails for run #192. A lot of people on the trails, which means a lot of turning around on my part. You see . . . well, maybe you don’t, but when I run, I only have one ear filled with “tunage.” I don’t want to be that guy who doesn’t hear the cry for help or the scream of “look out – bear!” However, I keep turning around because I don’t like coming up on people with two ears filled with something and they don’t hear me coming. Too many people I can visually see that they have a spray in hand or stick. Who knows who has a knife or other weapon. Anyway, I don’t need to startle anyone and end up like a Family Guy character on the ground and with my arm behind my back.

Family Guy Cut – go watch the video!

Did you see that? At the end, whenever one of their characters falls, dies, or whatever, arm behind the back. Makes me laugh every time. Thank my brother, Keith, for pointing that out to me in the very beginning of Family Guy life.

Anyway, I also cold-showered last night. 11 days down.

Lots of numbers today – 3 day fast begins tonight after dinner. Hoping to start and end the meal early – like by 5:30pm? Then, the fast can end at 5:30pm on Thursday!

“Don’t try to be the ‘next’. Instead, try to be the other, the change, the new.” – by Seth Godin

I saved Christmas with DVD finding/ Books on a Sunday w/ Trevor Noah & Adam Grant/ Maiale leftovers

morning babble / Sunday 07-11-21

Happy Sunday – I slept in and it felt good. Also, I didn’t run yet. Run #192 will happen on the trails in a bit. This is the 192nd vlog though. I cold-showered too. Late last night. My daughter was up and did mark the calendar too . . . with a picture of a dart.

Slow run coming on the trails today. We had some beverage last night – whew! Also, we picked up some sausages from Maiale – that’s going to be eaten with some eggs, so more digesting before any trail running.

Oh yeah – AND, I saved Christmas for us. Remember how I said that our DVD player broke. Well, just before tossing it . . . I decided to pry it open and make sure nothing was left behind. Some skin was lost, but I’m okay. The important thing is that I broke it open and found a DVD – A Christmas Story. We will have Ralphie again this year. Whew!

“Don’t bother me. I’m thinking.” Love it. Go watch the video!!

Books on a Sunday!

  • Born A Crime by Trevor Noah via Audible. THAT was a great story. I had no idea of his past and he really didn’t even get into his entertainment breakthrough. I’m sure there will be another future book, but this one – very inspiring on what one can overcome.
  • This is Marketing by Seth Godin – I didn’t finish it. Good dent but not there yet. Next week, it will be done – pinky promise.
  • Deep Work by Cal Newport – I read about productivity formula by Adam Grant
  • Originals by Adam Grant – I then grabbed this book and read about stalling.

“We spend so much time being afraid of failure, afraid of rejection. But regret is the thing we should fear most.” – by Trevor Noah

Record Store Day is next Saturday! / Vault package via Third Man Records / Jack White quote

morning babble / Saturday 07-10-21

Ahhh . . . Saturdays in the summer. Normally means we got a swim meet to attend to. Hasn’t really been the case since last year and so far this year – only Wednesday nights. Today – that changes. The boy has a swim meet. Is one of his events the Free Style Relay which is at the very, very end – of course it is. Nice cool day ahead though.

So, I ran. 191st in row of 5k runs. I also cold-showered for July.

Forgot to mention yesterday with New Music Friday, but the 2nd Record Store Day of the year is next Saturday – July 17th. I’m looking forward to a Vault package that I got from Third Man Records – every 3 months, I get something.

AMA Saturday:

  • Question #1 – Why don’t you like crowds? I guess the way I talked about crowds with fireworks facilitated this question. But – yeah, I’ve never really been a fan of crowds. Always looking for the exit. Sort of claustrophobic. I have got a stuck in the elevator story for a Flyers Home Opener to tell a some point. ANYWAY – I’ve been to a lot of concerts especially during my radio station days and they sort of spoiled me. I had easy ways in and out of those venues. No more though. I’m herded in now, too.

“Failure comes when we don’t get back up and try again.” – by Jack White